They did my boy piggy dirty
Texturing is nice, kind of heavy on the subsurf around the back of the head but that with the diffuse breakup and skin bump/normal makes it look believable.
I like the choice of adding more breakup with hair gen
The sculpt itself is a little soft for a pig head, but if you were going for rubber mask you nailed it--
Getting ears right in sculpts is tough, you using blender? If you're using sculptris, zbrush, or mudbox I can't speak on the specifics of how to do it because I haven't touched most of those, (but the general idea still stands software-independent)
If you're using blender I'd suggest modeling the ears separately, mirroring them, convert to mesh, join them to the main model in object mode, then remeshing, that way you can get the sharp edge of a pointed ear without fighting with the grab brush to pull the form out of the rest of head.